A luxurious bouquet of our renouned long stem roses , Sustainably Grown, Environmentally Assured and Quality Guaranteed by our Grower - the perfect way to say 'I Love You'. We have added that extra Fleurs artisan look by combining them with wild willow , foliage and SCARLETT PEACOCK FEATHERS for your loved one who loves something a little bit different and a little bit crazy!
With all my years in this great business, this variety of red rose is my favourite by far. With a great vase life, soft scent and full head, they are really hard to beat. These are your grade one roses. Just a little bit of TLC is all that's needed - don't display next to a sunny window or next to a radiator (they don't like to be slow cooked!) but keep cool and in fresh water at all times. Re-cut the stems upon receipt and give them a lovely long drink placing the flower food provided in the water.
(Please note this item is only available in our local delivery area. See our delivery page for more information).
- DOZEN with feathers and willow