The Hot Passion
The ‘Hot Passion’ bouquet is a romantic combination of red roses with gorgeous toning flowers such as Snapdragons, Veronica, clematis and wild willow. The Hot Passion is a gorgeous country collection of artisan flowers with just a hint of romantic red roses. This is the perfect handmade bouquet for your loved one this Valentines. Available for local delivery in and around Horsham (see 'Delivery Areas' for coverage) or use our Click and Collect service.
On receiving your bouquet, we recommend unpacking it , cutting the stems and displaying in fresh water, in a cool room.
Please note: As we work with the freshest products it may happen that certain flowers are unavailable due to supply issues or seasonal availability. That being the case we will substite with a similar product or suitable alternative.
(Please note this item is only available in our local delivery area. See our delivery page for more information).